sábado, 18 de setembro de 2010

Um texto em inglês acerca Harry Potter 7

So I “met "Harry Potter in 2001. Never had read the book, but watched Philosopher’s Stone. And I got mesmerized. Couldn’t take my eyes of the screen. Well it seemed like a whole different world watching the first movie. Then came the rest. I really liked all of them and Harry Potter changed my life because I made a friend through Harry Potter who I can’t remember the name but went by hippogriff something at a Harry Potter website(not mugglenet though sorry) and every year I had something to watch at the cinema which I impantiently waited. I impatiently waited each year for a Harry Potter movie and after the fourth, started watching the trailers, all the tv spots, read the books. I don’t know all the books all that well, but I read them at some point. The 7th story will be more of a surprise to me, but the others I knew all the big secrets. But some people don’t see the appeal of Harry Potter. What to say to those people? My friend Annie says it’s the film of a generation and in part it is. We commented on Deathly Hallows looking so epic( the trailer) and she said, “It’s epic because it’s the movie of a generation”. And I believe she is right. It is the movie of a generation.

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